IFW344 – Pamela vs Michela With Chokes

Video length:
00:27:36 h:min:sec


Michela’s courage
Michela is brave enough to take the challenge of a competitive wrestling match with chokeholds against one of the strongest wrestlers around: Pamela.
The first hold Michela is trapped in is a super tight headlock. The blond beauty takes her down and squeezes as hard as she can, also forcing her large breast into her face… however, Michela is not here to play the victim’s role and fights with all her strength.

Bulldozer in action
As expected, the leitmotiv of the match is Pamela attacking and Michela trying to resist and defend herself from the heavier and very skilled opponent.
Scissors, rear naked chokes, grapevine pins… Michela hates being pinned in a dominant schoolgirl pin, and counted!

No love lost
There’s a lot of wrestling on the mats, Pamela exploits her physical superiority and sometimes enjoys playing with Michela like cat and mouse.
Michela’s pride and natural aggression simply don’t allow her to give in and she keeps going and trying in every possible way.
After the end and the victory pose, they can’t stop arguing and the appetizer for a catfight is served!

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  • Pamela
  • born in: 1983
  • height: 5'5''
  • weight: 121lb
  • Michela
  • born in: 1992
  • height: 5'6''
  • weight: 112lb
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1 year ago

And yet, after that post fight brawl, they never did have their catfight match.

2 years ago

I have always wondered about Pamela’s stated weight of 121 lbs. With those muscles I would think she weighs more.

Andrea-Ambra Fan
Andrea-Ambra Fan
2 years ago

Regular customers who buy lots of IFWs and follow the women on the roster will know exactly what is going to happen here – especially those who bought IFW 183 and sure enough this is a repeat of that in every respect except the opponent is different (and inferior to the183 opponent). Special feature with this one is that it all kicks off in the victory pose – I love it when that happens and have only ever seen it once before. A good minute plus of bonus post-victory pose catfight as egos boil over. Referee calling on them to… Read more »