IFW10_2 – Andrea vs Victoria

Video length:
00:21:32 h:min:sec

38.99 $


This match has been eagerly anticipated for a while now at IFW, after a build-up between the two girls over Facebook and in person has grown this encounter to a fever pitch. This was made worse by Victoria beating Robi in the previous match, and the cocky little woman’s arrogance built to such an extent Andrea was just DYING to burst it; but as far as Victoria was concerned, she was about to get her second win.
Andrea and Victoria clash, no joking, no smiling but the tension and aggression is palpable as they roll and struggle in a hot, sweaty tangle of limbs in the burning sun. Neither want to just beat the other, they want to subdue her and prove herself the better woman. Tiny bikinis, brutal head and body scissors, headlocks, pins and a rolling struggle this is a video that tops all others driving the standards of IFW ever higher.
As for how it ended, all that was needed is a quote from the winner “You could see what is necessary to know”

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  • Victoria
  • born in: 1991
  • height: 5'1''
  • weight: 108lb
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