BS027 – Pamela vs Sabrina Double Bodyscissor

Video length:
00:19:11 h:min:sec


Pamela faces Sabrina in a double body scissors contest. There’s a bell on the table and the only way to end the match is to run at the bell and ring it to surrender and give the cash prize to the winner.
The match is hard and both girls prove strong and incredibly pain tolerant, but one will end up crushed and will rush to the bell!

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  • Sabrina
  • born in: 1996
  • height: 5'3''
  • weight: 116lb
  • Pamela
  • born in: 1983
  • height: 5'5''
  • weight: 121lb
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3 years ago

What type of categories does Sabrina still accept? I mean she accepts hair pulling strangulations…

3 years ago
Reply to  ifw

What was interesting is this: Sabrina vs Ambra vs Michaella all vs all (I think is better if at a time but, let the participants decide it) Not time limit Real action 100% competitive fight Not scripted Rulles: Sabrina has to get garantees her injury in the neck will not be under stres Sabrina must fight acording to follow her: philosophy profesionality and “cold personality”, (let see that: If I win I win if i lose I lose but I like the reuslt will be furit of my effort) The fights must be inside to be sure Ambra allergies is… Read more »