IFW12_4 – Mirco vs Victoria

Video length:
00:17:23 h:min:sec

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Victoria is sexy in her black elaborated outfit, Mirco is just in black.
She starts out very aggressive on Mirco with headlock and bodyscissors combination, it looks like she won’t let him go and keeps squeezing has hard as she can, rolling him around!
Mirco is not giving up easily and Victoria needs all her energy and strenght, especially when he succeeds in pinning Victoria’s shoulders to the mat using his weight, and the ref starts to count…
This is an even match and it’s interesting to see Victoria often in trouble and blocked by Mirco. It’s a surprising crescendo as none of the two wants to accept the defeat.

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  • Victoria
  • born in: 1991
  • height: 5'1''
  • weight: 108lb
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